Sokkuri House
- Format
- Episodes
- 1
- Episode Duration
- 2 minutes
- Status
- finished
- Start Date
- 10-0-2002
- End Date
- 10-0-2002
- Average Score
- ?
- Mean Score
- 3.6
- Studios
- Producers
- Source
- original
- Genres
- Supernatural
A little girl looks into a doll house that's exactly like the house she's in currently including the dolls in side it.
Hiroko Taniyama
Music Lyrics
Hiroko Taniyama
Music Performance
Hiroko Taniyama
Music Composition
Not Implemented Yet
Hiroko Taniyama
Music Lyrics
Hiroko Taniyama
Music Performance
Hiroko Taniyama
Music Composition
Total ratings: 22
Total users: 63